
the educational technology journal

Vol 19|No 5|May-June 2010
Studying Complex Concepts such as Beauty, Truth and Courage in Depth
By Jamie McKenzie

Students are rarely challenged to dig down deep in order to create rich definitions of complex ideas. In this article Jamie shows how teachers can use a series of digital explorations to deepen students' understanding of such concepts. Students learn that dictionaries usually pay short shrift to complex ideas, and they even learn to improve the definitions they encounter.

A Focus on History, Literacies and ICT
By Jamie McKenzie

In Australia, a new national curriculum for history stakes out some ambitious goals. It states, "History is a disciplined inquiry into the past that develops students' curiosity and imagination. It develops understanding of cultural, social and political events, processes and issues that have shaped humanity from earliest times." This article outlines strategies that emphasize ICT and various literacies while bringing these ambitious goals to life.

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