
the educational technology journal

Vol 17|No 3|January 2008

The Brave New Citizen

By Jamie McKenzie
About author

This article is based on a keynote delivered at the November 2007 annual conference of the National Council of the Social Studies.

Smart uses of new technologies such as mind-mapping software combined with strong questioning and the pursuit of "difficult truths" can serve as antidotes to the disturbing cultural drift brought on by an uncritical embrace of all things new and digital.

Beyond PowerPoint

By Kendra Grant
About author

Consider the value of presenting with a different software tool that PowerPoint or Keynote. Kendra gives vivid examples of how Inspiration can organize information in ways that can communicate more effectively than programs relying on slides.

The January Cartoon:
Dead Again?
Another eBook

Newsweek Magazine greets Amazon's new eBook Kindle as if this new venture is somehow different from other failed eBooks of the past decade. "Can it Kindle the Imagination?"

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