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Problem-Based Learning

Engaging Students in Wrestling with Authentic Issues
and Challenges from the Community

Measuring Up to the Challenge

Module Nine - Using scaffolding to keep learning on track.

Scaffolded unit plans offer distinct advantages. Which three of the following characteristics are most appealing to you?

1) Provides clear directions
2) Clarifies purpose
3) Keeps students on task
4) Offers assessment to clarify expectations
5) Points students to worthy sources
6) Reduces uncertainty, surprise and disappointment
7) Delivers efficiency
8) Creates momentum

There are several different approaches to using scaffolding.

  1. Long term unit plans such as the ones listed at
  2. NoTime Slam Dunk Digital Lessons at
  3. Brief lessons that are just parts of much longer units. Take a look at slam dunk lessons at

How might these strategies prove useful to you as you plan your own unit?

Make a list.

Next module. Please do not proceed until asked to do so by the workshop leader.

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