Preparing Students for the Standards
The Workshop


Making Great Digital Lessons

Are your students ready for the demanding test items being developed to judge their mastery of the challenging thinking skills required by the Common Core Standards?

The Smarter Balanced Practice Test is available at

Why not schedule a workshop day with Jamie McKenzie so all teachers in your building or school district can learn to construct lessons that challenge students at a high level while meeting the technology expectations of the Standards?

Contact Jamie at

Outline of Content

  1. Understanding the demands of the sample items
  2. Identifying issues worth investigating
  3. Finding digital resources that will sustain differing
  4. Constructing lessons that mirror the structure and the demands of the sample items
  5. Adjusting lessons to match readiness of students

For more than a decade Jamie has helped teachers to build highly demanding but engaging lessons that meet the expectastions of the Standards while mining rich digtal resources. Now he has adapted those lessons to directly mirror the kinds of test itemsstudents will face in the nect year or two.

Previous articles about lesson-building: