From Now On
The Educational Technology Journal

 Vol 11|No 6|March|2002

for Digital Resources

How can schools maximize a return on technology investments, backing mostly winners while avoiding losers?  How can schools ride the curl of innovation without tumbling into heavy surf?  How can they escape failure and a vicious undertow?

by Jamie McKenzie
About the Author

Review: The Connected School

Barbara Means and a team of researchers report which factors have frustrated technology efforts in urban schools along with those strategies that have proven most effective.

by Jamie McKenzie
About the Author

Look before You Leap

Some schools (states and counties) are plunging ahead buying laptops for every student as if more is necessarily better. This article offers a planning session that looks at a number of learning scenarios to see how each is influenced by abundance.

Are there times when learning is enhanced by sharing? by unplugging? by strategic deployment?

What are the opportunity costs associated with over equipping our schools and homes?

by Jamie McKenzie
About the Author

The March Cartoon

The Home
Network Supervisor

If a family has seven computers, who will set up and maintain their home network?

Credits: The photographs were shot by Jamie McKenzie.
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